Mexican restaurants have usually had a unlucky run in Delhi and i don’t mean the tex mex type. The cuisine should have an acceptance for our palettes but it seems not. So i wanted to try Arriba before the Mexican curse hits it, although i hope it doesn’t because this once looks like it will be a regular on my list.
The place is nestled in the Asiad Village complex in the space that some may remember as Angeethi, a BBQ. The look has a nice simple Mexican cantina look and has both indoor and outdoor dining options. The space in not very large though so prior booking is advisable on weekends.
The first thing i look for in any place with even a remote Mexican promise is Guacamole. I am obsessed with guacamole and getting fresh guacamole can set the mood of the meal. The guacamole at Arriba was prepared table side with the chef asking for preferences of what should into it resulting in a delicious precursor to our dinner.
The pork belly skewers were delectable, moist and falling apart. The sweetness of the glaze was a good contrast to the chillies on the same skewer. Also ordered the tequila infused prawns, they were very nice, juicy, large and soft.
The chicken fajitas were excellent, very well prepared and the included bits and bobs hit the spot just right. One thing to note, if you order a lot like i do, be prepared to move things around. The plates on which the food arrives are pretty large.
The black bean and chorizo torta was a good take on a slider although i found the seasoning a little on the higher side, maybe due to the already seasoned chorizo used but that said it was a great messy burger. Any burger that oozes out the sides gets a plus 1 in my book.
For the vegetarian on our table the skinny taco salad was a good starter but the tequila and white wine mushrooms were amazing and a must have.
Finally moving on to dessert, found the churros to be excellent and soft in the middle, often these become crusty and dry inside. Accompanied with a dark chocolate and a chilli chocolate dip.
One thing missing from a mexican experience was a tangy touch of salsa. The included tomato salsa was quite sweet and a nice pico de gallo would have been ideal. There were two other sauces both spicy but the green tomato based one was a great combination of heat and flavour.
Chef Noah Barnes has the flavours right and presentation was great.The cost is on the pricier side but the food makes up for it.
Ambience: 8/10
Food: 8/10
Service: 7/10
Overall: 8/10
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